Unapologetic Authenticity™ Level 3 Human Design Reader Certification

20 Modules

Action Using ChatGPT for Human Design Readings and Business Development

Motivation, Transference, Trajectory & Motivational Tones

Purchase to Schedule Funnel Course

Unlock the full potential of your online business with our comprehensive course on leveraging HoneyBook and ThriveCart for seamless purchase to scheduling funnels. Dive deep into the intricacies of integration as you master the setup process, configuration, and troubleshooting.

Learn the art of crafting compelling purchase funnels for maximum impact. Gain the skills to analyze and optimize your funnels, ensuring continuous improvement in customer engagement and conversion rates.

Monetize Social By Design

Having a hard time with attracting consistent leads on social media no matter how much you post?

In this course, you'll discover:

1. Learn How to Leverage Your Human Design Type For Captions and Headlines That Convert

2. Learn How to Grow Organically Without the Need for Ads on Social Media

3. Learn how to use your Human Design Centers for Your Content Strategy.

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Modules for this course 20

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